How to plan your Newborn Photoshoot

As a practising newborn photographer who has captured more than 300 adorable little munchkins through my lens, concerned new mums ask me if it is safe to do a photoshoot of their infants. My recommendation would be to definitely NOT miss out on this tiny phase!

Your babies are only tiny for this long. They have very strong personalities at this stage and it's mighty cute to get that across. It won’t be long before they stretch their way out to being proper crawlers and sitters.

As a newborn photographer, we understand every mom’s fears and concerns and it's our onus to take complete precaution with our props, hygiene, safety to make sure you have a memorable time with your little one's first photo shoot. Here are some pointers that will give you a good idea of how newborn shoots are done.

What can I expect while booking a newborn shoot?

There are essentially two approaches to a newborn shoot - one that’s filled with props galore and one that's’ prop-free with a complete lifestyle-natural approach focused on moments with you being new parents and your first moments with your child. A good mix of the two is also great to have. It's best to pick one that suits you/your personality and the type of shoot you want to remember 20 years later.  What you should seek to expect, really, are timeless memories of this special phase in your baby’s and your own lives.

What is the right time to plan a photoshoot with my newborn?

The ideal time to shoot newborns is when they are between 5 days to 15 days old.  This is their ‘mould-able’ stage where they tend to sleep a lot and curl up into these adorable positions they were in, in the womb. Babies also tend to be extremely flexible at this age and can be moved into a few sleeping poses too. However,  these poses are not forced on a newborn.  We work with their pulse and rhythm throughout the shoot to understand what they’re comfortable with and not.
Post the first 2 weeks, they learn the art of stretching and then it gets tougher to scrunch them up into these cute-sy positions! However, a safe bet would be within 30 days if you miss the first two weeks.

How safe is it?

It's important to note that your photographer should be a Certified Newborn Safety poser. Extreme care is typically taken to set up a safe and comfortable environment. Most props are mainly fabrics, headbands, hats and light products that will not harm or trouble the baby. No pose is really forced upon the baby, so there’s the comfort knowing your little one is going to be in safe hands.

Wow! Anything I should be prepared for?

It's best to start the shoot post the newborn’s massage (if you are giving the baby massages), a warm water bath and a full feed.  Feeding and burping are some things that can be done before we start the shoot. A well-fed baby is definitely a happy baby!

The room temperature is typically kept warm through most part of the shoot to allow and encourage the baby to go into a deep snooze, making it easy on them while we pose them. Keep minimum people around while we do the shoot so as not to disturb the baby. Newborn shoots include family portraits too and you should definitely be a  part of them. These images will be so so precious to your child once they grow up!

How long does the entire process take?

Newborns need to be dealt with slowly and gently and this does take a while. It typically takes 2 - 4 hours based on how much you want to be captured. But this includes feed breaks, potty breaks etc.

Location of shoot:

Most photographers typically offer you two options - one is to conduct the session in the comfort of your home (on-location). The second option is to do it at their studio which is typically the better option if you want variety, as you will have more options for lighting/props at one’s studio. I usually encourage parents to combine the shoot timing with their routine doctor’s check-up so it can get done while the baby is taken out of the house anyway.


My one word of advice to any set of parents is to keep calm and stay completely relaxed before any photo shoot. We can’t stress this enough. If you are worried/tensed about how your baby is going to react, trust us when we say, your baby is going to sense that worry/tension and may not react how they normally would. Babies can feel everything around them, so breathe, stay happy and prepare as if you were going to visit a friend!

As a new parent, it’s your turn to sit back and relax and let your photographer take care of your little one during the shoot! Say cheese!